Controls and certifications are our daily bread: on suppliers, raw materials, formulas, packaging, production, finished products and distribution, they are all carried out both internally and externally, through specific audits carried out by independent certification bodies that contribute not only to sanction what is stated about our processes, products and values, but also to ensure our continuous growth.
Documentary evaluation, spot checks on raw materials, validation of suppliers, chemical-physical specifications and specific analysis, monitoring of pre- and post-production processes, dermatological compatibility and microbiological compliance.
Cosmetic products promise small or large results: to moisturise, to soothe, to tone, to reduce the presence of wrinkles.
Each of these promises must be verified through specific tests carried out with special instrumentation on an appropriate panel.
In our efficacy assessment laboratory, we are able to confirm the main claims of cosmetic products, because “every promise is a debt”.
An in-house laboratory for the microbiological control of raw materials, bulk and finished products, capable of guaranteeing timeliness and precision in one of the most critical parameters of a cosmetic product safety.